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Shravya Reddy Consulting is a one-person climate change advisory company that works in partnership with clients to produce tailored, technically sound, cost-effective, reliable, and actionable climate change solutions.

Concise and comprehensive resumes are available on request. Below you will find project experience history and educational qualifications in CV format.







M.A., Columbia University, New York

Master of International Affairs in Environmental Policy Studies

Armin Rosencranz Environmental Law and Policy Fellowship, San Francisco

International and U.S. environmental law and policy courses at Stanford University, University of California Berkeley, and Golden Gate University

B.A., LLB. (Honors), National University of Juridical Sciences, India

Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Bachelor of Arts (BA). Specialization: Environmental Law


Developing a Green Climate Fund Proposal for a Multi-Country Post-Harvest Loss Reduction Programme in Africa


January - July 2024

Role in Project: Climate Change Adaptation Technical Expert

Shravya is the climate change adaptation technical specialist in a team that is assisting AGRA with a full funding proposal to the GCF’s Project-Specific Assessment Approach (PSAA) window.

AGRA is developing an integrated programme to reduce climate change-driven losses across the agricultural value chain, with a particular focus on post-harvest stages of the value chain, in seven African countries. In each country, for three crop value-chains, Shravya is helping identify climate change-related risks plus anticipated impacts, and is advising the team on appropriate climate resilience solutions to include in the programme. She will also draft key sections of the final GCF proposal and annexes.   

Independent Technical Review of the Climate Investment Fund’s Nature, People, and Climate (NPC) Investment Plan in Rwanda

The World Bank / Climate Investment Fund (CIF)

April - May 2024

Role in Project: Climate Change Expert Reviewer 

The World Bank and the Government of Rwanda appointed Shravya as an Independent Technical Reviewer of a draft climate change investment plan focused on Nature Based Solutions (NBS), to help evaluate and strengthen its alignment with the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) investment criteria.

Shravya was requested to review and provide expert comments on the draft Nature, People, and Climate (NPC) investment plan, including its two sub-component investment programs plus investment concept notes developed by the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Strategic Development of Clean Energy Policy and Regulatory Support Programmes in India and Africa

The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)

January - December 2023

Role in Project: Deputy Chief, India and Global Opportunities Program

Shravya was on a year-long assignment with the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) to support their India and Global Opportunities programme with strategic growth of their India-based clean energy projects and their scoping of potential clean energy policy and regulatory initiatives in Africa.

Shravya’s role was a full-time consultant position for the duration of one year. Her responsibilities included strategic planning, project management and coordination, relationship management with key stakeholders, supervising a team of other consultants, and organizational development.

Developing a Climate Change Risk Assessment, Strategy, and Adaptation Plan for the Southern African Power Pool

The Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) / The World Bank

March - December 2022

Role in Project: Climate Change Adaptation Technical Specialist

Shravya was the climate change adaptation technical specialist in a project to develop a climate change risk assessment, a climate change strategy, and action plan for the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) utilities, with a focus on their generation and transmission infrastructure. Shravya worked within a team of experts to craft a climate change risk assessment methodology that relied on spatial analysis and GIS, and supported the identification of risk levels for a range of hydroclimatic variables of relevance to electricity systems.

Provision of Project Preparation Services to the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) through the GCF Project Preparation Facility (PPF)

South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) / GCF

March - December 2022

Role in Project: Climate Change Adaptation Technical Specialist

Shravya was the climate change adaptation technical specialist in an assignment to assist the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) with the identification and preparation of a suite of nature-based solutions to be positioned for investment as ecological measures for Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Risk Management. Shravya was an advisor to a team of experts working on a baseline study of seven District Municipalities in South Africa, to help identify spatial zones of ecosystems that were at higher risk from climate change impacts. Part of Shravya’s role was to integrate and embed GCF climate finance eligibility considerations into the project methodology, to ensure that the identified and structured investments met the GCF’s criteria, would withstand the GCF’s technical scrutiny, and would qualify for GCF funding.

Developing an Adaptation Costing Methodology for South Africa

Presidential Climate Commission (PCC) of South Africa

May - August 2022

Role in Project: Climate Change Technical Specialist

Shravya was the climate change adaptation technical specialist in a project to support South Africa’s Presidential Climate Commission (PCC) identify, further develop, and adopt a best-practice costing methodology to assess climate change adaptation. The methodology devised allowed for valuation and calculation of costs from climate change impacts as well as costs of climate change adaptation interventions. It positioned South Africa to be better equipped to estimate climate change loss and damage, and the investment needed for climate resilience.

Conducting Expert Review of C40 Cities' Climate Change Risk Assessments (CCRAs)

C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

April - August 2022

Role in Project: Climate Change Expert Reviewer 

Shravya was an advisor to the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, providing technical assistance to review different cities' Climate Change Risk Assessments (CCRAs). The CCRAs were developed in line with the C40's Climate Action Planning (CAP) framework and other C40 guidance. Shravya reviewed the CCRAs, assessed their adequacy and their consistency with the CAP framework, identified areas of strengths and areas for improvement, recommended approaches for strengthening and filling of data-gaps, and ensured that the CCRAs reflected established and evolving international best practice in climate change risk assessments, resilience, and adaptation

Designing and Developing Training Modules on Climate Finance and Climate Communications for the Afri-Res Facility


February 2022 - May 2022

Role in Project: Climate Finance and Climate Communications Content Lead

Shravya was the climate finance and climate communications content lead on an assignment to develop and deliver a multi-module training programme for the Africa-Resilience Facility (Afri-Res), established by the World Bank and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. Shravya was amongst a team of experts approached by UNECA to train Afri-Res officials in accessing, utilizing, and mobilizing resources for climate change adaptation and resilience in Africa. Shravya designed, prepared, and integrated audio-visual instructional content for nine segments, across three lectures related to climate adaptation finance and climate communications.

Developing a Green Climate Fund (GCF) Funding Proposal for the Green Guarantee Company (GGC)

Green Guarantee Company / DGG

January - April 2022

Role in Project: Climate Change Adaptation Workstream Lead

Shravya was the climate change adaptation workstream lead, within a multi-firm project consortium, on an assignment to develop a funding proposal for the Green Guarantee Company to submit to the GCF’s Private Sector Facility. The project required developing the climate change adaptation rationale for the GGC’s innovative climate finance model, based on a robust analysis of climate risk and vulnerability, as well as opportunities for resilience in over 19 developing countries, across multiple sectors. Shravya prepared 19 country market studies with a focus on national and sectoral climate change risks and vulnerabilities, and drafted several key sections of the GCF funding proposal.

Preparation of the African Development Bank’s Ten-Year Climate Change and Green Growth Framework (Policy, Strategy, and Action Plan)


July 2020 - February 2022

Role in Project: Climate Change Technical Workstream Lead

Shravya was the technical lead for the climate change workstream within the broader project consortium, and was responsible for all climate change content and tasks including research, analysis, stakeholder engagement, and report drafting.  The AfDB has sought technical assistance for the development of its 2020 – 2030 climate change and green growth framework – comprising of a policy, a strategy, and an action plan – to help meet its objectives of allocating 40% of its total project approvals as climate finance, and disbursing US $ 25 billion in climate finance by 2025.

Developing a Green Climate Fund (GCF) Proposal for South Africa’s Water Reuse Programme


May 2021 - January 2022

Role in Project: Climate Change Specialist  

Shravya was a sub-consultant within a consortium supporting the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) with the preparation of a full funding application to seek climate finance from the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The DBSA developed a comprehensive water reuse programme at the municipal level in South Africa, to address the country’s growing water insecurity and to strengthen climate change adaptation. Shravya was the climate change specialist within a broader multi-disciplinary team of experts.

Prefeasibility Study for the PIDACC Zambezi Basin Programme

CRIDF / Tetratech

June 2021 - March 2022

Role in Project: Climate Change Sectoral Expert and Task Lead 

Shravya was the climate change task lead for a prefeasibility study for the Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Zambezi Watercourse. Shravya supported CRIDF (and, through CRIDF, COWI and Tetratech) to develop eight country-level climate change reports (for Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe) to inform the pre-feasibility study. She also drafted key sections of a GCF Concept Note to be submitted by the African Development Bank (AfDB) to seek funding for PIDACC Zambezi.

Climate Resilience Investment Origination and Feasibility Study for the Climate Adaptation Water and Energy Programme (CAWEP) in Zimbabwe


January 2021 - February 2022

Role in Project: Climate Change Technical Workstream Lead

Shravya wass the climate change workstream technical lead for the UK Government’s Climate Adaptation Water and Energy Programme (CAWEP) in Zimbabwe, under which the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO, formerly DfID) intended to fund climate resilience investments in the water and energy sector in the country. Shravya supported Pegasys to undertake a situation assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation capacity in Zimbabwe, integrating future climate projections in the analysis, and advising on the identification, origination, selection, and siting of recommended infrastructure investments that will enhance climate resilience in vulnerable locations in Zimbabwe. She also contributed expert input to the feasibility study of the three chosen investments.

Formulation of a Five-Year Implementation Plan for the Gambia’s NDC (Mitigation and Adaptation)

ICLEI Africa

May 2021

Role in Project: Climate Change Policy Advisor

Shravya provided advisory input, review, and quality assurance assistance to ICLEI Africa on the mitigation component of Gambia’s five-year NDC implementation plan, and developed the corresponding five-year plan NDC implementation for the adaptation component. ICLEI Africa supported the government of Gambia and the NDC Partnership with the preparation of the five-year NDC implementation plans.

Development of an NDC Implementation plan and mainstreaming guidelines for Malawi

ICLEI Africa

January - March 2021

Role in Project: Project Lead and Principal Author

Shravya was the Project Lead for the development of a five-year implementation plan for Malawi’s updated NDC as well as the preparation of climate change mainstreaming guidelines to integrate the NDC into major national, sectoral, and sub-national development plans and strategies.  ICLEI Africa sought Shravya's support to deliver technical assistance to Malawi, in collaboration with the NDC Partnership’s Climate Action Enhancement Programme (CAEP), to drive enhanced ambition and effective implementation of Malawi’s NDC commitments. The implementation plan and mainstreaming guidelines developed will operationalise Malawi's NDC commitments.

Revision of Rwanda’s Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy (GGCRS) and Developing a GGCRS Implementation Plan

UNDP Rwanda

August 2020 - 

April 2021

Role in Project: Climate Resilience Technical Expert

Shravya was the climate resilience technical expert within a consortium developing Rwanda’s updated GGCRS. Shravya provided expert advisory input into climate change and socio-economic scenario development, revision of priority actions within the GGCRS, and an implementation plan to operationalize the GGCRS in alignment with Rwanda’s NDC.  The Ministry of Environment in Rwanda, with support from UNDP, had commissioned the revision of Rwanda’s primary multi-sectoral climate change strategy so that an updated GGCRS can accelerate economy-wide climate change mainstreaming.

Development of the Adaptation Component of Ethiopia’s Enhanced NDC

The World Bank

July 2020 - February 2021

Role in Project: Climate Change Adaptation Expert

Shravya was the climate change adaptation workstream lead within a project consortium developing an updated and enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) document for Ethiopia, for submission to the UNFCCC. The Government of Ethiopia, with support from the World Bank, had tasked the consortium with developing its second NDC, covering climate mitigation, climate adaptation, climate finance, and enabling environment (institutional arrangements including MRV, M&E, and policy instruments). The enhanced NDC reflects raised ambition on the part of Ethiopia to take action on climate change and support the Paris Agreement.

Strengthening Climate Finance Resource Mobilization for Climate Smart Agriculture in Southern Africa

GIZ and CCARDESA (through Greencroft Economics)

September - December 2020

Role in Project: Climate Change Policy and Strategy Specialist

Shravya was the climate change policy and strategy specialist on a project to assist the Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA) with resource mobilization of climate finance. CCARDESA, with funding from GIZ,  sought technical assistance on resource mobilization from a consortium led by Greencroft Economics. The project team undertook a review of CCARDESA’s pipeline of projects, assessed them for eligibility for climate finance and bankability, developed recommendations on enhancing suitability for climate finance, and provided training and capacity-building.

Establishment of Adaptation Baselines for the Agriculture Sector in Rwanda’s NDC

NDC Partnership

August 2020 - 

March 2021

Role in Project: Climate Change Adaptation Technical Advisor

Shravya is the climate change adaptation technical advisor on a project to identify baselines for adaptation indicators included in Rwanda’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). On behalf of the Government of Rwanda, the NDC Partnership has sought the assistance of a consortium to develop baselines for adaptation indicators for the agriculture sector, linked to Rwanda’s NDC. These will be integrated into an updated M&E framework for Rwanda’s NDC, aligned with other climate change and development M&E systems operational in Rwanda.

Review of 25 years of UNDP South Africa's operations and impact

UNDP South Africa

February - May 2020

Role in Project: Climate Change and Low-Carbon Development Expert; Principal Author

UNDP South Africa commissioned a review of 25 years of its operations in South Africa, to seek an assessment of its efficacy, its successes and challenges, its contribution to South Africa’s development targets, and to obtain insights to inform its future work.

Shravya drafted the primary review report, undertaking extensive literature review and conducting key informant interviews within UNDP and with external partners and beneficiaries.

Development of the Small-Scale Embedded Generation (SSEG) Regulatory Framework and Ring-Fencing Guidelines for Eswatini’s Electricity Supply Industry

Kingdom of Eswatini

September 2020 - March 2021

Role in Project: Project Coordinator 

Shravya is the Project Coordinator and a research specialist on the enabling environment, for a project to develop Eswatini’s SSEG regulatory framework and ring-fencing guidelines. The framework and guidelines will equip the Eswatini Energy Regulatory Authority (ESERA) and the Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC) to accelerate the integration of more low-carbon, renewable energy into the power grid.

Optimization of climate services in Malawi through strategic investments

The World Bank and Malawi's Environmental Affairs Department

August 2019 - April 2020

Role in Project: Technical Lead and Climate Change Specialist

The project entailed undertaking an analytical study to identify, prioritise, and select strategic investments that would meet the country’s most pressing climate services needs, and thereafter designing and structuring concept notes for the investments.

Shravya drove identification and analysis of climate services gaps and needs in terms of technical, human, and administrative capacity; developed a multi-criteria selection protocol for investment prioritisation; guided the creation of investment concept notes aligned with climate finance funders’ criteria; and engaged in stakeholder consultations to develop a climate services investment portfolio, coupled with capacity-building trainings for government officials on climate finance resource mobilisation and project origination.

Assessment of progress achieved on Ethiopia's NDC

The World Bank and Ethiopia's Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change

May 2019 - April 2020

Role in Project: Technical and Strategic Lead

Shravya, on behalf of Pegasys, was the technical and strategic lead on a project to assess progress made by Ethiopia on its commitments and targets under its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the UNFCCC, and its national Climate Resilience and Green Economy (CRGE) strategy.

Shravya drove identification and analysis of major climate change activities in Ethiopia during the assessment period (2011 - 2017) across all major economic sectors, in relation to mitigation and adaptation. The project resulted in a report that tracks and measures progress in implementing the NDCs and CRGE strategy, and a roadmap for NDC update and revision in line with UNFCCC requirements. 

GCF resource mobilization for strategic projects in Cape Verde's energy and waste sectors

The African Development Bank and Cape Verde's Ministry of Agriculture and Environment

May 2019 - March 2020

Role in Project: Technical and Strategic Lead


Shravya, on behalf of Pegasys, was the technical and strategic lead on climate finance readiness, institutional arrangements, and GCF-oriented capacity building for a project to strengthen Cape Verde’s resource mobilisation in the energy and waste sectors. The project was designed to help Cape Verde meet its mitigation commitments under its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to the UNFCCC, and to position it to access Green Climate Fund (GCF) money, including through the accreditation of a suitable institution to act as a national direct access entity. 

GCF resource mobilization for Rwanda's Upper Nyabarongo catchment restoration plan

The World Bank and FONERWA (Rwanda's Environment and Climate Fund)

January - April 2019

Role in Project: Project Manager and Climate Change Technical Lead


Shravya, on behalf of Pegasys, was the project manager, technical lead, and principal author of a GCF concept note and a GCF funding proposal developed on behalf of the Government of Rwanda, to seek GCF support for the implementation of the Upper Nyabarongo Catchment Restoration Plan. Shravya was also responsible for designing and facilitating stakeholder engagement activities in the project.

Technical support to Rwanda for GEF 7 project identification, structuring, and the GEF funding application

The World Bank

February - June 2019

Role in Project: Project Manager and Climate Change Technical Lead


Shravya was the project manager and the climate resilience lead for Pegasys on a project to assist the Government of Rwanda with the identification of viable, high-potential, bankable investments in the waste management and wetlands management sectors, for inclusion in a US $ 50-60 million dollar integrated sustainable cities investment package that will be submitted to the Global Environment Facility (GEF) for funding.

Mainstreaming of climate resilience into urban planning and infrastructure delivery in Rwanda

The World Bank 

October 2018 - March 2019

Role in Project: Project Manager and Climate Change Technical Lead


Shravya was the project manager and climate change technical lead for Pegasys on a project aimed at integrating climate change considerations into urban planning and infrastructure development in Rwanda, and specifically into a US $ 90 million World Bank initiative in secondary cities, i.e. the Rwanda Urban Development Project (RUDP). Shravya was also responsible for client management, knowledge management, and stakeholder engagement.

Development of Botswana’s national climate change strategy and action plan

UNDP Botswana and the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation, and Tourism


Role in Project: Project Manager and Technical Climate Change Lead


UNDP contracted Pegasys to provide technical support and capacity building assistance to the government of Botswana to develop a national climate change strategy (covering climate mitigation and adaptation), and a national action plan to give effect to the strategy and climate policy. Shravya was the project manager, technical lead, and principal author of Botswana’s national climate change strategy and action plan, developed over several months. She was also responsible for client management and stakeholder engagement at a national and regional level.

Climate finance readiness support in Kenya through identification of  investment-ready projects

The African Development Bank and Kenya's NETFUND

2018 - 2019

Role in Project: Project Manager and Technical Climate Change Lead


Shravya was the project manager and technical lead for Pegasys, responsible for client management, stakeholder engagement, and research and analysis on the viability and bankability of green growth, low-carbon innovation projects in Kenya. The AfDB supported Kenya’s National Environmental Trust Fund (NETFUND) to build climate finance readiness and to access funds from the Green Climate Fund (GCF). Shravya led the project team, working with NETFUND and AfDB to conduct due diligence and identify technically feasible and financially viable innovative projects in Kenya that are low-carbon initiatives and serve the goals of Kenya’s Green Economy Strategy. After vetting such projects and doing the necessary due diligence, Pegasys developed GCF funding concept notes for them, and a full proposal to submit to a climate finance donor.

Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development Facility phase II (CRIDF 2)

DfID and WYG

2017 - 2018

Role in Project: Climate Change Technical Advisor


Shravya was a senior climate expert supporting multiple workstreams of CRIDF 2, including the Resilience and Sustainability workstreams, on behalf of Pegasys. CRIDF aims to provide long-term, pro-poor solutions to water issues in southern Africa. CRIDF’s major value-addition is in working with organisations across southern Africa to demonstrate how they can better build and manage their own water infrastructure, and how such infrastructure can be tailored to be (i) climate resilient itself, as well as to (ii) improve people’s lives despite the shocks and stresses their water resources face from a changing climate. Pegasys is leading CRIDF’s sustainability workstream and supporting major elements of the climate finance workstream. As part of CRIDF’s ongoing efforts to equip infrastructure project managers with the tools to integrate climate change considerations into the project cycle (i.e. to “climate proof” investments, and to ensure maximization of climate adaptation benefits from the projects), Shravya updated and strengthened multiple climate change risk and vulnerability screening tools, guidelines, and protocols.

Development of a market attractiveness index for pay-as-you-go off-grid clean energy in Africa

Vivid Economics (for an IFC-funded project)


Role in Project: Technical Advisor on Enabling Environment Workstream


Shravya, as a sub-consultant to Vivid Economics, managed research, analysis, and market assessment of 14 Sub Saharan African countries in terms of their enabling environment to support pay-as-you-go clean energy models. The objective of the project was to develop a user-friendly Market Attractiveness Index (MAI) as a decision-support tool for potential investors considering setting up pay-as-you-go businesses. The index integrated demand side and supply side factors (analysed by Vivid Economics and SNV) as well as ratings on the enabling environment (analysed by Pegasys), i.e. regulatory, policy, and legal frameworks in the countries to support a pay-as-you-go model.  Shravya was the Project Manager for the workstream Pegasys led.

Support to South African cities for mainstreaming climate responsiveness into plans and budgets

National Treasury, South Africa

2017 - 2018

Role in Project: Climate Change Technical Expert


Shravya was a Climate Change Technical Expert on a Pegasys project to advise South Africa’s National Treasury on effective channels to mainstream climate change resilience and response into city level plans and budgets. Her role involved developing a framework of analysis to assess climate change mainstreaming, and to recommend strategic measures to help accelerate mainstreaming of climate change response at the city level, including in Treasury-funded infrastructure.

Mainstreaming of climate change adaptation into disaster risk reduction and disaster management in Gauteng


2017 - 2018

Role in Project: Technical Advisor on Mainstreaming Screening


Pegasys was a sub-consultant to Aurecon on this project. Shravya led Pegasys’ component of the assignment, which included (i) an institutional analysis of disaster risk reduction and disaster management in Gauteng province; (ii) an institutional and policy landscape assessment of climate change adaptation in Gauteng province; (iii) creation of indicators to assess the level of climate change adaptation mainstreaming in Gauteng’s disaster risk reduction and disaster management systems and institutions; and (iv) development of a mainstreaming framework to guide efforts to enhance mainstreaming of climate change adaptation into disaster management.

Development of the Strategic Program for Climate Resilience in Rwanda

The World Bank and FONERWA (Rwanda's Environment and Climate Fund)


Role in Project: Project Manager and Climate Change Technical Lead


Shravya was project manager and climate change technical lead for Pegasys on a project to develop Rwanda’s Strategic Program for Climate Resilience – an investment plan designed to operationalize and give effect to Rwanda’s National Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy. She also led the project’s stakeholder engagement and capacity building elements. The project involved selection of and due diligence on potential projects and programmes aiming at climate resilience across many sectors. Project outputs helped Rwanda’s Fund for Environment and Climate Change (FONERWA) receive endorsement for funding from the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), managed by the World Bank.

Development of a national climate change adaptation strategy for South Africa

GIZ and South Africa's Department of Environmental Affairs

2016 - 2017

Role in Project:  Lead Technical Expert 


Shravya was the lead technical expert for Pegasys, driving the development of a climate change adaptation strategy for South Africa. The project involved synthesis of available climate impact information across sectors and provinces in South Africa, analysis of existing strategies as well as gaps and needs, and formulation of strategic priorities for national sector departments in South Africa so as to help provide guidance on adaptation and to enable the emergence of a climate-resilient South Africa. The project involved stakeholder engagements in all of South Africa’s nine provinces, and coordination of a large consortium of multiple firms.

Development of Namibia’s national renewable energy policy

Namibia's Electricity Control Board (ECB)


Role in Project:  Project Manager and Enabling Environment Lead


Shravya was the project manager and enabling environment work-stream lead for the development of Namibia’s national renewable energy policy. On behalf of Pegasys, she developed several sections of the policy, coordinated other members of the project team, managed the client relationship with the Electricity Control Board (ECB) of Namibia and the Ministry of Mines and Energy, and designed and implemented several stakeholder engagement sessions. She also developed the implementation plan associated with the policy.

Investigation of clean energy options to support inclusive growth in Ethiopia's secondary cities

DfID and The Cities Alliance


Role in Project:  Project Manager and Climate Change Technical Lead


Shravya was the project manager and climate change lead for Pegasys on a six-month research project in Ethiopia, which aimed at identifying technologically and economically feasible clean energy options for secondary cities to scale-up and rely on to meet growing energy demand, while doing so in a way that enables climate-resilient, inclusive, environmentally sustainable growth. She conducted research, drafted several sections of multiple research products, designed and facilitated multiple stakeholder consultation workshops, and coordinated inputs from national and international team members.

Stocktaking assessment for Malawi’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP)

UNDP Malawi and Malawi's Environmental Affairs Department (EAD)


Role in Project: Project Manager and International Lead Consultant 


Shravya, on behalf of Pegasys, was the project manager and technical lead for a stocktaking assessment to gauge Malawi’s readiness (in technical knowledge and institutional capacity) for climate adaptation. The project involved field visits in Malawi, two large national level stakeholder consultations, a SWOT analysis, due diligence on key ongoing adaptation initiatives, and a needs and gaps assessment. The project resulted in a Stocktaking Report that provided recommendations for strengthening technical and institutional capacity. The report was submitted to the UNFCCC as part of Malawi’s NAP process.

Development of a climate change resilience strategy for the Limpopo basin in Mozambique

CDKN and ARA-Sul

2015 - 2016

Role in Project:  Climate Change Technical Lead 


Shravya was technical lead expert for Pegasys on a project in the Limpopo river basin in Mozambique. The larger project was designed to help provide technical assistance to the government water management agency (ARA-Sul) to integrate climate change considerations into the design and implementation of water resources management infrastructure. Shravya helped design and provided input into a climate change vulnerability assessment for the Mozambican Limpopo basin, and drafted a climate resilience strategy for major socio-economic sectors in the basin.

Development of climate change adaptation strategies for three South African provinces

GIZ and South Africa's Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA)

2014 - 2015

Role in Project:  Project Manager and Climate Change Technical Lead 


Shravya was the project manager and lead technical expert for Pegasys on an effort to develop climate change resilience and adaptation strategies for the provinces of Limpopo, Mpumalanga, and North West in South Africa. The project entailed conducting high-level climate vulnerability assessments for major economic sectors in each of the three provinces, followed by the formulation of a multi-sectoral climate change adaptation strategy for each province. She also organized and moderated six stakeholder workshops over the course of the project.

Water risk narratives and scenarios for Bhutan and Nepal

WWF International

2014 - 2015

Role in Project:  Project Coordinator and Principal Investogator


Shravya was the project coordinator and principal investigator on a Pegasys project that identified and analysed risks to Bhutan and Nepal’s economy, stemming from threats to freshwater resources (Himalayan river systems) in the two countries, including from climate change and hydropower development. The project involved transformative scenario development and multiple stakeholder consultation workshops. The project resulted in the production of seven reports and four policy briefs.

African ecological futures – development of  scenarios for Africa’s growth in key sectors

WWF International

2014 - 2015

Role in Project:  Energy Sector Work-Stream Lead and Principal Author


Shravya was the technical lead for Pegasys on the energy sector work-stream in a multi-sector project that assessed growth trends and future projections in six key sectors in Africa and developed scenarios for what the trends in each sector meant for Africa’s ecological and environmental resources in the decades to come. She developed a scenarios paper on energy futures and was also chosen to be the lead author for the synthesis paper that integrated all six sectors. The findings of the project were presented to the African Union in Cairo in early 2015.

The Pegasys Group

Cape Town

2014 - 2019

Managing Principal (2018 - 2019); Principal Consultant (2015 - 2018); Engagement Manager (2014)


  • Managed, Designed, Planned, Supervised , and Executed Climate Change and Clean Energy Projects

  • Led Project Acquisition and Business Development for the Climate Change Practice

  • Managed Clients and Partners

  • Oversaw Quality Assurance and Oversight of Project Team’s Deliverables

  • Managed Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation, including Facilitating Workshops and Presentation of Project Results to High-Level Decision-makers 

  • Led Analysis, Research, Writing, and Production of Project Reports on Climate Change 

  • Supervised and Coordinated Project Team Members and Delivery Through the Team

The Climate Reality Project

Washington D.C., 

2011 - 2014

Director, Science and Solutions Team (2013 - 2014); Senior Research Analyst (2011 - 2013)

  • Led Climate Reality’s Research Department in Producing Rigorous, High-Quality Research and Analytical Products to Inform, Support, and Challenge the Organization’s Activities

  • Managed and Supervised a Team of Highly Qualified Researchers and Analysts with Varied Domain Expertise and Experience

  • Influenced Organizational Objectives and Programmatic Activities through Participation in Strategic Planning Discussions

  • Conducted and Managed Research and Analysis for Internal and External Audiences Pertaining to Developments in Climate Change Science; Climate Change Mitigation; and Climate Change Adaptation

  • Designed, Researched, and Analyzed Public Policy Interventions and Incentive Programs to Promote Low Carbon Growth Strategies, at National and Local Levels

  • Advised on International Climate Change Negotiations under the UNFCCC and at Bilateral or Bloc Levels Between Key Actors

  • Managed and Coordinated Research on the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

  • Contributed to the UNFCCC's High-Level CDM Panel’s Final Report

  1. The Climate Reality Project, a climate change communications group founded and chaired by Nobel Laureate and former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, produces multimedia tools, internet-based action campaigns, and global grassroots events to engage the public on climate change.  

  2. public on climate change.

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

New York City 

2008 - 2011

Climate Change and Clean Energy Analyst (2009 - 2011); Executive Research Aide (2008 - 2009)

  • Managed and Coordinated Multiple Projects for NRDC’s India Team, both in the United States and in India

  • Analyzed Climate Change and Clean Energy Technology and Policy Trends in India, from a Global Perspective

  • Tracked India’s Domestic and International Commitments on Climate Change and Clean Energy

  • Advocated for Increased U.S.-India Cooperation on Climate Change and Clean Energy, Engaging Both Countries’ Governments as well as Other Influential Entities Including Businesses, Think Tanks, Academics, and Thought Leaders

  • Authored Regular Reports, Factsheets and Blogs on Climate Change and Clean Energy Issues

  • Provided Research Inputs to NRDC’s Executive Leadership on a Range of Special Projects of Institutional Priority

  • Conducted a Feasibility Study on NRDC’s Potential Growth and Programming in India

  • Supported the Design of NRDC’s India Initiative

  • Coordinated a Mid-Term Reassessment of NRDC’s Ten-Year Strategic Plan

The William Jefferson Clinton Foundation - Clinton Climate Initiative

New York City


Researcher for the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI); Volunteer for the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)

  • Conducted Background Research for Various Projects Being Developed and Initiated in Partnership with the C40 Cities Group, Which Was Incubated in its Early Stages by the CCI 

  • Prepared Policy Statements, Briefing Memos, City Status Reports, City Climate Change Action Plan Summaries for the C40

  • Collected Data for all C40 Cities on a Wide Range of Urban Clean Energy and Transportation Solutions

The International Environmental Law Research Centre

New Delhi



  • Conducted Research on Sustainable Development Issues in the Indian Context

  • Drafted and Filed Seven Right to Information Petitions on Water-Rights and Government Water Policy

Earthjustice International

San Francisco



  • Researched and Drafted the ‘International Legal Developments’ Section of a Report on Emerging Customary International Law Jurisprudence on the “Right to Environment” as a Fundamental Human Right, for Submission to the Annual Session of UNHRC

The World Bank

New Delhi



  • Researched and Drafted a World Bank-Commissioned Paper on the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, with a Focus on the Agreement’s Implications for Developing-Country Food Exports

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